Below are a selection of Op-Eds written during my three years as the Opinions Editor for the Kenyon Collegian.

No Shame In Your Game: Why Swiping on Tinder Is a Practical Way to Find Your Kenyon Match This Semester Feb. 18, 2021

“When I pulled into the Lowry Center on Jan. 26, I couldn’t wait to get on Tinder. I had spent most of the past year living at home, watching Bridgerton uncomfortably with my parents and single-handedly funding the triple-A battery industry, so some harmless swiping was the thrill I needed.”

Stop Telling Students They’re All to Blame Sept. 10, 2020

“‘It’s up to you,’ college administrators say as they send students back to campus. ‘Take it from here,’ they tell the 18- to 22-year-olds who have been cooped up for six months, fantasizing about sweaty, over-crowded rooms and getting dressed up for some place other than the grocery store. ‘It all depends on you.’”

Learning to be Kind to Yourself In the Time of COVID-19 May 20, 2020

I have learned a lot of lessons in quarantine, some big and some small. I have learned that I like puzzles, and drinking soda at night and David Dobrik. I have learned that in order to remain sane, I cannot speak to anyone in my family before 6 p.m.

It’s Time We Stop Gendering Intelligence Feb. 27, 2020

“For as long as I can remember, the things that I loved have made me seem ditzy. Whether it’s the fact that I care about fashion, that my taste in TV shows only ranges from the Bachelor to Love Island or because of the voice that I use when I write.”